Friday, April 30, 2010


I was in on Monday + tried to do this and thought that I had.. but just tried again + was "successful".
So it wasn't hard to add today.
I was getting frustrarted on Monday.
And I really have no clue if this will be useful or not?

Friday, April 23, 2010

Good ol' Friday STUFF!


-the general quickness of everything
-book tours

-when Google "Canada" becomes "America = U.S.A" blah
-city tours lab didn't work for me

Yes, I would recommmend some of there Google products to friends + colleagues.

Friday, April 16, 2010

This Saturday!

Come to the 2nd floor of the Central library
from 1 - 3 pm, April 17th for a FREE
handmade plush toy workshop!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Snowy snow snow.

Yes, we have snow. I wore my winter jacket. Boo.
Now on to social networking!
Facebook + me = extreme time wasting + some fun.
Generally, Facebook is very time consuming + convenient.
It is both useful + counter productive, but I log in everyday.. more than once usually.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Wiki Friday!

Fun! I feel so powerful editing Wikipedia. Geez, it's a little scary + empowering all at the same time.
It was a little difficult to find something that needed to be edited. I didn't find any errors in grammar or spelling.. but I'm off in search of possibilities. Very interesting to look at the amazing amount of information on wiki.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Oh no!

Week 3 + I'm behind.
Okay, to finish up with Delicious...

1. OOOOOwwww... AAhhh. Delicious. I'm getting completely lost in here. Sewing, diy, crafts... LOVE.

2. Staff blogs are FUN! It's nice to know I am not the only newbie out there + interesting to read other people's "minds".

3. Advantages of storing, tagging + sharing web content like this is a huge ocean of information at my fingertips. Amazing + wonderful! Disadvantages are the lost and overwhelming feeling of not finding what you set out to find in the first place after you may have been distracted by something shiny.


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Saturday on a l o n g weekend...

Lovely day with a wonderful lunch of veggie lentil soup + grain bread. Just getting used to the DVD floating collection and being back at work after a couple days off.
now back to delicious!